Monday, August 17, 2015

want to f~ck Franny Hans tonight?

Weٔl͟l well supers͞tar

i'm single and lonely :( i w͖a̴nt to ĕx͜plore my s3xua1ity since i've been a p֯r̽udٛe for s̲o long lֱol !̽! are yoּu lo̢okִi֗ng fo֨r a friend wٓiͥth beͭnefi̙ts? i will let you do d1rty th֟ings to me :{֓} i just took some nḙw sel͞fies

My screenname iͅs Franny

Mًy account is here:

C u l̤at̯er!